Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Utah trip

For the 4th of July, my father in law took us and Jen and TJ to Utah to celebrate with Stew, Robyn and the girls. We had such a great time and it was so nice to get out of this heat and cool off for a few days. And, even nicer to be with family! We did some shopping, eating, watched and lit off FirEwOrKs and a little bit of relaxing. It was so fun to be with family and I wish it could have been a few days longer....maybe next year. Thanks to everyone who made it such a fun trip! My pictures got all out of order and I have no desire to fix it or label most of them so just enjoy and be grateful that there are so many. (And yes, be jealous of all the cute nieces I have!!!)

This has to be one of my favs...boys will be boys!!! (Notice the church manual in the corner.) Yep, they are trying to make one big rocket out of several small ones.

These next few are of Robyn drawing with sparklers. It took quite a few trys to get these but I think they are pretty cool!

How cute is my HUBBY?!?!?

And I will leave you with a video, but let me explain first. Several visits ago, I started rolling up my nieces in blankets not realizing how much they would love it. Now, every time I see them, they want me to roll them up and then they all act like babies. Its actually pretty funny. I try to roll them up so tight that they can't move, and they still LOVE IT!!